Version: 201703020805

Last update: 3 March, 2017

Rating: 0/5

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Adds additional taxonomy terms to a content based on the assigned taxonomies and terms.

This plugin is based on DeMomentSomTres Mailchimp Immediate Send.

You can get more information at DeMomentSomTres Digital Marketing Agency.


  • Selection based on post type (post, page, custom post)
  • Selection based on categories, post tags and any other taxonomy terms
  • Selection based on multiple taxonomy terms.
  • Selection based on negative selection.

History & Raison d’être

While working for Consorci Administració Oberta de Catalunya we integrated Mailchimp and WordPress to perform RSS Campaigns. After some time we developed and installed DeMomentSomTres Mailchimp Immediate Send to allow the contents in some taxonomies and terms to be sent on publish. Using those plugins an immediate message could be sent twice to the users: the first time when published and another time when Mailchimp sents the RSS campaign.

This plugin is conceived to automatically manage some background categories to save the contents that are not sent immediately in order to allow to skip duplicate sending of messages when Mailchimp RSS Campaings are used.




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