We just updated our component Bongo Checkout for Prestashop platform that integrates open source ecommerce platform with transport and payment Bongo Checkout. The current update is version 1.0.11
Bongo checkout
Bongo Checkout for Prestashop updated
We just updated our component Bongo Checkout for Prestashop platform that integrates open source ecommerce platform with transport and payment Bongo Checkout. The current update is version 1.0.10.
Bongo Checkout for Prestashop users update to release 1.0.9
It is highly recommended that all users of our integration module Prestashop Checkout with Bongo upgrade to the latest version 1.0.9.
This update resolves a problem printing invoices. Result of an error when printing, the system assumes that all payments had been made through Bongo Checkout. As a result of the error the bills not been paid through this gateway show negative amounts in shipping costs.
Version 1.0.9 fixes this issue.
Released Bongo Checkout for Prestashop 1.0.3
We have just released new version of our Bongo Checkout for Prestashop addon that allows integration this eCommerce solution with Bongo Checkout by Bongo International.