Release of DeMomentSomTres Export plugin 2.4

by | 21-11-2016 | Software Development | 2 comments

Plugin d'esxportació d'adjunts per Wordpress


Version 2.4 of DeMomentSomTres Export plugin is available for download or update. New features in 2.4 help you to export big WordPress installs filtering the required images.

When you export, using the standard WordPress Export plugin and you try to filter contents, attachment information gets lost.

DeMomentSomTres Export is our most downloaded WordPress plugin and it was designed three years ago to solve this problem and allows you to export big sites in small pieces.

The main features that we have added to this software release are:

  • Improved custom post type filters: Custom post types, in standard export, lack of author, status and date range filtering. Version 2.4 adds these filters due to the need of filtering custom post types while mantaining attachment and media information.
  • Added usage of limit and offset parameters: Now on any post type you can perform a paged export as you can download the first n items after m items.
  • Menu name renamed: After installing the plugin, apparently nothing changed in WordPress export because the plugin added only some filters to WordPress internal export process. As a lot of people asked where was the plugin in support, we decided to implement a change in Export. So we decided to replace the Tools > Export menu by a new Tools > DeMomentSomTres Export menu.
  • Compatibility improved: We have tested the plugin with the latest version of WordPress. It is been tested on 4.6.1 but it should work with earlier versions. At the same time, PHP 7.0 has been tested and everything seems to continue working as expected.
  • Plugin assets: we have migrated plugin assets to adopt the new image at DeMomentSomTres website and corporate image.

More information on this plugin can be found at WordPress plugin download page and at the WordPress plugins by DeMomentSomTres where we try to compile all the plugins we have developed during the last 5 years.

If you are using this plugin and you like it, we will be very pleased to see your review in WordPress Plugins ratings.
